Custom Fabric Print
on Demand

— Overview
Art Direction
Visual Design
Creative Direction
Motion Design
Tiska is a print-on-demand website run and managed by Tekstina, offering roll2roll printing services for a sewist, crafters, do-it-yourselfers, hobbyists, and all other creatives who like to make and create.
We focused on organizing an ever-expanding range of fabrics in a systematic order, accentuating the impeccable quality of fabrics, and guiding users throughout the exploration phase with inspiring designs. That way, we managed to reach a like-minded goal with Tekstina and land the beginning of an exciting journey for all of Tiska’s users.

eCommerce utilities
Introducing a range
of best-in-class eCommerce solutions
From adaptive attribute filtration to in-grid product merchandising, we developed a variety of best-in-class eCommerce solutions. Modern buyers expect frictionless shopping experiences from decision to conversion. Finding the ideal fabrics and designs for their projects is made as simple as possible with the help of these utilities and services that facilitate product discovery. As a result, they can focus less on navigating the site and more on exploring the different offerings.

Get inspired pages
Consumers today browse websites and mobile apps like Pinterest and Instagram to find great examples of pattern design. Similarly, we connected moments of inspiration with shopping utilities that allow users to shop from the category product page.

In-grid merchandising and navigattion
Specific content is presented as tiles within the product grid, allowing the Tekstina team to integrate contextual lifestyle imagery seamlessly, featured collections, sales promotions, popular featured collections, and popular filters. We made navigation that’s powerful, dynamic, and has a few layers of categorization for easy-to-find products, designs, and inspiration.

Pattern design editor
The key feature of the website is the editor, which was created for users to upload and customize their patterns and designs. We’ve created an editor that includes various options for fabric size, fabric selector, pattern size and repetition modes, sewing patterns, pricing, etc.